Deliver a unique and highly targeted approach to marketing commercial property. 

Property Listing Sheets

First class brand representation


Generate professionally branded commercial property listing sheets automatically. Send particulars to investors and prospective tenants without delay.

Listing sheets are generated automatically from the database saving time and money – simply enter your property data and with one click, produce beautiful PDF brochures.

Include custom icons and hyperlinks to external document stores to deliver detailed information such as floor plans and information memoranda.

Social Media Integration

Broaden your message, increase positive word-of-mouth


Reach out to wider audiences by sharing available properties on major social media websites including Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

Customise your message for each site and upload with one simple click.

Promote sold and let stock to encourage word-of-mouth and drive listing opportunities with owners.

Upload to Commercial Property Portals

Get visible with speed and confidence.


Automatically upload your commercial property listings to leading commercial real estate portals including Realcommercial, Commercial Real Estate, CommercialVIEW, Allhomes Commercial and Trade Me.

When listings are closed in Surga Central, the web listings will be automatically removed, thereby saving you valuable time in maintenance.

"When you are talking to someone on the phone, you can literally have a submission with a handful of properties across to them before you hang up the phone. So you can talk through the properties rather than having to wait, which makes a substantial difference."


Artie Kalpidis, Link Property Services